Appendicitis, A Frequent Digestive Disease}

Appendicitis, a frequent digestive disease


Groshan Fabiola

The appendix is an 8 cm long intestinal tissue extending from the Ilion. Its inflammation causes appendicitis. The exact function of the appendix is not known but we can easily have a normal life without it.

If not treated on time by surgical appendectomy, appendicitis can lead to perforation and spread the infection in the peritoneum, the abdominal lining. Unless quickly treated with strong antibiotics peritonitis can cause death by toxic shock.

An infection separated from the other parts of the body by a lining can form outside the appendix forming an abscess filled with pus. This situation is not so critical like appendicitis but cannot be detected throughout surgery. Because of that, all cases of appendicitis are considered emergencies and need surgical treatment.

Appendicitis commonly appears at the age of 10-30, rare under 2, but it can strike anytime.

Appendicitis is caused by an infection in the body, by cancer or by a foreign body blocking the connection with the intestines.

The most common classical symptoms for appendicitis are:

1.Pain in the superior abdomen or around the navel, moving downwards and right.

2.Lack of appetite

3.Nausea and vomiting states

4.Abdominal distension with stopping of the intestinal transit

5.Constipation or diarrhea

6.Abdominal cramps

7.Painful urination

8.Low fever in the beginning

Symptoms are never the same; they vary from person to person. You should call your physician right away if you have matching pains. Stop eating and drinking, do not take antacids, pain-killers or laxatives that may cause appendicle perforation.

Symptoms of appendicitis can be easily mixed up with the ones of urinary tract or bladder infections, ovary problems, gastritis, Crohn disease or intestinal infection. This is why diagnosing appendicitis is hard to do.

To establish a certain diagnosis of appendicitis a surgeon must examine the abdomen for inflammation, do urine tests, rectal exam, blood analysis, ultrasound or CT scan.

The treatment is surgical even when the doctors arent 100% sure because it can lead to other complications. Appendectomy is the removal of the appendix; if an abscess is found it needs to be drained and then the appendix can be removed.

Before surgery patients get antibiotics to fight against a possible peritonitis; if present the peritoneum must be drained and irrigated. Usually surgeons perform a topic anesthesia, only on complications a general one.

The appendix is removed classical through a 8 cm long incision or by laparoscopic way.

After 12 hours from the operation you can move around and in 2-3 weeks time your life comes back to normal.

Call your physician if after the intervention you have these symptoms: Pains, vomiting, fever, blood in urine or in your vomit, pains and redness of the incision, dizziness.

Appendicitis cannot be prevented; its appearance could also be inherited. Persons who eat more fruits and vegetables with high amounts of fiber are less susceptive to make appendicitis.

For more resources about


or even about

acute appendicitis

please visit this website

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Appendicitis, a frequent digestive disease }

4 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail}

Submitted by: Aziz ID MANSOUR

Wondering why you just cannot see success with your diet plan? Do you feel like every diet you go on, you eventually fall off somewhere along the line?

Are you ready to toss in the towel on fat loss for good?

Dont be. If you stop and take a minute to look at the four reasons why most diets fail, and then find yourself a diet plan that overcomes these reasons, you will soon find yourself on track to optimal success.

Lets look at the four key factors that you need to know.

Unrealistic Calorie Intakes

The first big reason why most diets fail is because they simply have you striving to take in an unrealistic number of calories each day. In other words, they put you into starvation mode. They are causing you to consume so little food that your body literally starts shutting down to conserve fuel.

When it does this, you know that you are on a one-way path to a fat loss plateau. Yes, you do need to lower your calorie intake to see fat loss results, but you need to do so wisely in a way that you can maintain your metabolic engine, so to speak.

Lack Of Satiety-Boosting Nutrients

Next, another big issue with most conventional diets is they arent providing you enough of the two most satisfying nutrients: protein and fiber. You need protein to function optimally. Its also the nutrient thats the slowest to break down and digest in the body, so it will provide immediate satiety.

Couple that with dietary fiber, which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and itll slow digestion even further.

Many crash diet plans are very low in protein, and while they do have you eating lots of vegetables, many discourage the consumption of fruit.

By making these two nutrients a focus of your plan instead, you can see results that much faster and enjoy being on the diet while you do.

Time Consuming Meal Prep

Who has an hour each and every day to meal prep? Not me and definitely not you. Yet, many diet plans are so complex that they require this. If thats the diet youre on, its no wonder youre failing.

Instead, you want to find an approach that gives you some basic and easy-to-implement guidelines that will help you realize true success with your program.

This plan should not take hours to follow each week, and should work with your lifestyle. When you find such a plan, itll be easier than ever to stick with.

Long-Term Approach

Now, chances are youve heard that any diet you follow should encourage a long-term approach and I agree. When you make diet changes, you should be focusing on maintaining healthy eating in the long term.

But, if your diet plan is designed to go on for months, this can kill your motivation in its tracks.

Find a diet with a definite deadline. Three weeks is optimal here as that is the amount of time it takes to build good habits habits that stick. Also, three weeks is a long enough period of time that you can see good results, but not so long that its hard to stay motivated.

Anyone should be able to do three weeks if they put their mind to it. This is precisely what The 3 Week Diet is built upon. By doing this diet, you can see remarkable changes in as little as three short weeks and once you see how easy it is to melt the fat, youll want to stick with the plan much longer than that.

About the Author: Check out what The 3 Week Diet has to offer :


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