Submitted by: John Huseby

Many readers ask me if taking online courses will help their chances of getting a new job or a promotion. The fact is that employers want more educated and capable employees these days, the kind who continuelearning beyond college. These days employers are paying attention to what we know, how we solve problems and how well we manage new challenges. To get that coveted promotion or a new job we need to show that we can learn quickly and offer a whole new way of thinking.

To get that new perspective or skill, it s necessary to look at what courses can give us the edge at work. But, the fact is that we re all so busy with so many commitments in life, that we can t all stop everything in our lives just to sit in a class at a specific time. I know one college near me that even if you could sign up for a decent class, you can t find parking to park your car. When it comes to online education, two questions are worth considering: How do you advance your career through online education? And, is online education for you?

In case you haven t noticed, online programs and colleges have become very popular in the last few years. Most universities in the United States are offering online degrees, and in many diverse subjects. Then there are online universities like University of Phoenix, Capella or Pembroke University that don t have main campuses, they offer their classes online. Since many of these online universities tailor their courses to adult learners, they build more flexibility into their programs.


For example, if you want to advance your career to learn about project management (which happens to be a hot job opportunity these days), you can just sign-up for a class online. Or, if you just want to get an MBA education and get a certificate in less than 6 months for a lot less money, you can take accelerated MBA courses like the one offered by Pembroke University. In other words, you have the option to get an MBA equivalent in a much shorter amount of time if you re just interested to learn about the subjects and can settle for an MBA certificate rather than an MBA degree.

Perhaps a few years ago, online universities had a poor reputation, but in the recent times, they re becoming more mature and better organized. Since universities like Phoenix, Capella and Pembroke University don t have the hassle of managing a main campus or competitive sportsteams, they can focus on education more effectively and as a result focus more on your online education.

If you re considering online education, the trend is headed your way. But, is online education for you?

The answer depends on what you re trying to get out of education. Are you looking to finish your degree or are you looking to take a few classes to polish up your skills? Are you looking to get some knowledge for a job promotion or a change of career? Some online universities focus more on courses that help you with your career and job advancement. These universities look at the job market and what kind of skills are in short supply. For example, some universities like Pembroke University offer certifications on leadership, management and project management which are hot skills for those who want to get into management positions.

To succeed in online education, first define your goal and purpose for getting education. Of course, having some self-discipline and focus to stay with the program helps. Turn off the TV and devote some time to study online every day. If you need more encouragement or if you have certain challenges, let your friends or spouse know and ask them to give you some encouragement once in a while. Test the waters with one class. See if it works for you and then put a plan together to take more courses to reach your goal.

I hope this advice has been helpful. If you re looking to get a decent online education, you don t have to pay a lot. Just search some of the universities and compare their programs. I wish you the best of luck.

About the Author: John Huseby is an online education evangelist and pioneer in online course design. He can be reached at


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