How to Clean a Liquor Flask


Michelle A Ching

Liquor flasks are small containers used to hold distilled alcoholic beverages such as brandy, whisky, vodka and rum. Because of its small size, these discreet containers are commonly used to sneak a quick shot in places where alcohol is either impermissible or expensive such as cruises, sporting events and concerts. Traditional flasks were usually made of silver or pewter. These days however, most liquor flasks are either made from stainless steel and high performing plastics.

One might think liquor flasks are difficult to clean because of its one of a kind shape and tiny opening. Cleaning liquor flasks is actually not as difficult as it may seem to be. You just need to exercise a bit of caution and everything should turn out fine. There are two popular ways to clean a liquor flask, one is by using distilled white vinegar and another is by using sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda. Let me share to you two of the most effective ways on how to clean a liquor flask.


1. Combine one cup of water and one cup of vinegar in a small container. Set aside.

2. Fill the liquor flask with boiling water and pour the water out. Repeat for three times. You may use a towel to hold the flask to avoid burning yourself.


3. Fill half of the flask with the vinegar solution. Close the lid and shake well for about 20 to 30 seconds.

4. Pour out the vinegar solution.

5. Fill the liquor flask again with boiling water and pour it out.

6. Repeat step number 3.

7. Repeat step number 4.

8 . For the last time, fill the flask with boiling water and pour it out to remove any trace of the vinegar solution.

9. Turn the flask upside down and let it dry.


1. Put about 2 to 3 teaspoons of baking soda into the flask and fill it up with boiling water.

2. Close the lid of the flask and shake well for 20 to 30 seconds. Again, you may use a towel to hold the flask to avoid burning yourself.

3. After shaking the flask, set it aside for about half an hour to remove the alcohol odor.

4. Pour out the contents of the flask and rinse thoroughly with water.

5. Turn the flask upside down and let it dry.

Looking for a good way to

sneak alcohol

? Smugglit Flask offers undetectable reusable

liquor flasks

at a very affordable price. It comes with disposable and reusable plastic flask pouches.

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