Submitted by: Blake Williams

Non Medical Home care in the United States is one of the fastest growing small businesses. Home Care services are delivered to approximately 7.6 million individuals with projected annual expenditures of $48.3 billion in 2007. If you own a Non Medical Home Care business or if you are considering starting one, you must know what your potential clients needs are. Home care is a broad term that describes a wide variety of health related services provided in the home setting. Home care is health care brought to your home to maintain or restore your health and well-being.

What Your Clients Want

For Non-Medical Home Care clients, the motivations are all about taking care of someone that they care about. What drives those motivations is comfort level with you. Your potential client wants to FEEL like you care. It is easy to write about the services that you offer. It is much harder to dig down deep and use your words to turn marketing collateral material into a meaningful message that your company is the company that they want to trust to take care of someone that they love.

Dont just explain your services, talk about them and why you offer them. Before any client does business with you as a Non-Medical Home Care professional, they want to know that this is more than just a profession for you, and that they will be more than just a replaceable business opportunity. By contracting with you, they are offering to let you into their home to take care of them or someone that they care about.

Keeping It Real

As with any message, you can go overboard with the message of care. Trying to make the case that the parent is as well off with you as they are with their family probably isn’t going to win you any new friends… or clients! Family caregivers want to be supported, not replaced. This is not to say however, that you can abandon professionalism in working with your clients. You can be the most wonderfully personal and nice person that they have talked to, but if they sense that you lack professional courtesy and responsibility, it is all for nothing. If they wanted to just hire a really nice person, there is probably an unemployed cousin somewhere in the family who would gladly sit around and collect a paycheck. Professionalism is an absolute must.

About the Author: Blake Williams is the founder of

and a multifaceted business management expert, speaker, and author. You can purchase his e-book How to Start and Run a Successful Non Medical Home Care Business at

Contact Blake at


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